The Basic Meeting List Toolbox

NAWS-Format Dump

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One of the more useful features of the BMLT, is the ability to synchronize part, or all of the database with Narcotics Anonymous World Services, and their meeting search facility.

The simplest way that you get the NAWS format dump, is to log into the root server, then open the “Service Body Administration” line. Select a Service Body. At the bottom of the Service Body Editor screen, you will see a link that will download a NAWS-format CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file (Can be opened in Microsoft Excel). Send this file to NAWS (lori -at-symbol- na -dot- org). They can update your data from this file.

However, this file can be accessed at any time, by using the semantic URI:

http://<span style="font-weight:bold;color:black;font-style:italic">&lt;YOUR BASE ROOT SERVER URI&gt;</span>/client_interface/csv/?switcher=GetNAWSDump&amp;sb_id=<span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:black">&lt;BMLT ID OF SERVICE BODY&gt;</span>

<span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:black">&lt;BMLT ID OF SERVICE BODY&gt;</span>

is the BMLT ID (not the World ID) of the Service body to be returned.